Freemasons are encouraged to participate in charitable endeavours at every opportunity. Not only for the benefit of their immediate family and friends but also within the community as a whole. From its earliest days Freemasons have strived to help with the care of orphans, the elderly and the infirm.
Support is regularly given to national and local charities. Under the auspices of their respective Provinces individual Lodges give generously to regional worthy causes. It’s important to note that Freemasonry in the UK does not undertake any external fundraising – all money donated comes directly from the efforts and generosity of its members.
Although individual Lodges give regular donations, both large and small, to local charities and good causes you’ll find nationally, Freemasonry channels its efforts through four main charitable organisations…
- The Freemasons Grand Charity
- Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys
- Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
- Masonic Samaritan Fund
In addition, for example, to the work of these organisations the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex – one of the largest Masonic Provinces in the UK – through the collective efforts of all their Lodges raised in excess of £5.5million at the culmination of their 2011 Festival.
Tollesbury Freemasons have also played their part in raising many thousands of pounds in support of local charities and voluntary organisations such as; the St. Helena Hospice, the relief of Multiple Sclerosis, the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Essex & Suffolk Air Ambulance. In 2000 we supplied computer equipment for the village Primary School, in 2001 we presented the Tollesbury Surgery with a much needed Defibrillator and most recently a large donation was given to help our next door neighbours, The Lighthouse run by a voluntary group on behalf of St. Mary’s Church.
As Freemasons we’re also proud to say the Grand Charity has donated over £100million to help people in need since 1980.
A Masonic initiative raising funds for the supply of cuddly toys to A&E units for children in severe distress. Click here
We’ll keep you updated about our fund raising activities, go to Latest news