Tollesbury Chapter was formed in 1930 by a number of local dignitaries and has been in continual existence since then. The membership, currently 35, is much more diverse now with the Companions belonging to Lodges from an area which includes London and East Anglia.
There are 3 meetings each year, on the third Mondays in January, March and October. The March meeting is the Installation and there are normally candidates at the other meetings. On the rare occasions when this is not possible then lectures on the history of Freemasonry or similar subjects are arranged.
Tollesbury Chapter is a member of the Combined Chapters of Central Essex which has one joint meeting each year. As part of this, members of Tollesbury Chapter often attend meetings of the other Chapters.
There is great camaraderie and fellowship at our meetings, with a good number of guests usually present. If you are a Master Mason and thinking of joining a Chapter, or would simply like to find out more about the Tollesbury Chapter No.4738, where you’ll find the members certainly enjoy their Masonry then please contact :-
John C.J. Gallant (Scribe E)
14 Hunts Farm Close, Tollesbury, Maldon, Essex CM9 8QX
Tel: (01621) 860755
Email: [email protected]